Principle of Analogy

Principle of Analogy/Principle of Potentiating

The development of homeopathy was launched with a self-experiment by Hahnemann. He ingested a larger quantity of cinchona bark and thereby triggered symptoms similar to those of malaria. He was able to soothe these symptoms by taking diluted cinchona bark. Based on this experience he established two main principles of the therapy. Until today, the rule of analogy and dilution by degrees and shaking (potentiation) of homeopathic basic solutions (mother tinctures) have been the foundation of the therapeutic approach in this healing method.
Hahnemann’s findings resulted in the firm principle: “Cure similar by similar” – similia similibus curentur.
“In order to heal gently, quickly, surely and permanently choose for each condition a medicine which can cause a symptom similar to the one it is supposed to heal.” (Hahnemann, 1810) click here for more details
In 1810 Hahnemann comprised his methods and experiences in his book The Organon of the Healing Art. In his teachings he always referred to the symptoms which were triggered by giving the starting material to a healthy person. At the same time the ideal degree of efficacy (potency) was established by diluting and shaking (potentiation) the active substances.
In his Organon Hahnemann stated: “These remarkable changes in the properties of the natural bodies, by mechanic impact, by rubbing and shaking the latent dynamic powers, previously concealed in them, unperceived, like slumbering, which mainly influence the vital principle, the well-being of animal life. Therefore, the processing of those matters is called dynamizing, potentiation; and the products thereof dynamization or potencies, in various doses.”
In the manufacture of homeopathic products, the starting materials are processed in decimal (1 part mother substance + 9 parts diluting substance – lactose, alcohol or water) or centesimal steps (1 part mother substance + 99 parts diluting agent). They are called D potencies (decimal) or C potencies (centesimal).
Complex Remedy Homeopathy
Today different theories of homeopathy are in existence. According to the teachings of Hahnemann, who mainly prescribed dilutions of single substances, the use of several substances combined for a particular field of application has increasingly gained ground. In these complex remedies, several homeopathic substances fight against the disease. Due to the fact that symptoms of a disease may not always be overcome by addressing one indicator, complex remedies often cover a significantly wider field of efficacy. In complex remedies the effects of the individual ingredients unfold in a supplementary manner and therefore address other weaknesses of the patients as well.
In treatment, the PEKANA complex remedies unfold in the context of holism and therefore enable a positive influence on body, mind and spirit. We have found that, as a rule, the composition of eight active ingredients form an ideal combination.